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1831 Documented reliquary theca with relics of St. Vincent Ferrer, St. Placidus Martyr, St. John Gualbert, St. Charles Borromeo

Oval glass-fronted silvered brass reliquary theca housing relics of four saints: the second-class ex veste (of the vestment) relic of St. Vincent Ferrer, the first-class ex ossibus (of a bone) relic of St. Placidus Martyr, the first-class ex ossibus (of a bone) relic of St. John Gualbert, and the first-class ex praecordis (of th einner organs) relic of St. Charles Borromeo. The relics are affixed to a red silk ground and identified in Latin on typeset cedula label as Ex Ossibus / S. Veron. Julian.  (of a bone of Saint Veronica Giuliani).  On the back, under a protective cap, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Father Vitale Loschi (†1842), Bishop of Parma, Italy (1831-1842). The reliquary is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued and sealed by Bishop of Parma in 1831.

Saint Vincent Ferrer, O.P., (†1419) was a Valencian Dominican friar, who gained acclaim as a missionary and a logician who was canonized by Pope Calixtus III in 1455. His feast day is celebrated on 5 April. He is a holy patron of builders, construction workers, plumbers, fishermen, and orphanages.

Saint Placidus (Placitus), along with Saints Eutychius (Euticius), Victorinus and their sister Flavia, Donatus, Firmatus the deacon, Faustus, and thirty others, have been venerated as Christian martyrs, said to be martyred either by pirates at Messina or under Emperor Diocletian. The feast day of the martyr saints was not in the Tridentine Calendar but was included in the General Roman Calendar for celebration on 5 October. Some traditionalist Catholics continue to observe pre-1970 calendars.

Saint Giovanni Gualberto (†1073) was an Italian Roman Catholic abbot and the founder of the Vallumbrosan Order. Born into a noble family, Gualberto was a predictably vain individual who sought pleasure in vanities and romantic intrigues. When his older brother Ugo was murdered, Gualberto set out for revenge. He found the murderer in Florence, but as it was Good Friday, granted the killer's plea for mercy. Soon after Gualberto became a member of the Order of Saint Benedict though he left in order to found his own congregation. He condemned nepotism and all simoniacal actions and was known for the pureness and meekness of his faith. Even popes held him in high esteem. Miracles were reported at his tomb after his death. Pope Celestine III canonized Gualberto in 1193. He is a patron saint of Forest workers, Foresters, Park rangers, Parks, and the Vallumbrosan Order.

Saint Charles Borromeo (Italian: Caroli Borromeo, Latin: †1584) was a cardinal who was archbishop of Milan from 1564 to 1584. Among the great reformers of the troubled 16th century, Borromeo, with St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Philip Neri, and others, led the movement to combat the inroads of the Protestant Reformation. He was a leading figure during the Counter-Reformation and was responsible for significant reforms in the Catholic Church, including the founding of seminaries for the education of priests. He is a holy patron of apple orchards; bishops; catechists; catechumens; cardinals; seminarians; spiritual directors; spiritual leaders; Lombardy, Italy; and Monterey California; and sought to assist in intestinal disorders; against ulcers; colic; and stomach diseases.

Additional Info

  • ID#: 18-281-RSCR-225
  • Size: 40 x 33 mm
  • Age: ca. 1831
  • Origin: Parma, Italy
  • Materials: brass, glass, silk, paper, Spanish wax
  • Price: SOLD!
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