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Reliquary monstrance with relics of St. Louise de Marillac, founder of the Daughters of Charity

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Reliquary monstrance with relics of St. Louise de Marillac, founder of the Daughters of Charity

A small French Gothic-style gilt bronze monstrance reliquary decorated with enameled rosettes housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) pre-canonization relic of Saint Louise de Marillac. A bone relic is affixed to the silk background decorated with gilt paper and silver wire ornamentation and identified on a typeset cedula label as B. L. a Marillac (Blessed Louise de Marillac). On the back, under a metal protective cap, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax with a clear imprint of the Congregation of the Mission (CM) of Saint Vincent de Paul Order. 

Saint Louise de Marillac (†1660) was a French Catholic religious leader and co-founder of the Daughters of Charity. Born near Le Meux, France, she was raised in a noble family but faced early hardships. She married Antoine Le Gras in 1613 and had a son, but after her husband died in 1625, she dedicated herself to religious service. Under the guidance of Saint Vincent de Paul, Louise helped organize charity work for the poor, sick, and orphaned. In 1633, she co-founded the Daughters of Charity, a groundbreaking order where nuns worked actively in society rather than being cloistered. Her leadership and innovative approach to nursing, education, and social work greatly influenced Catholic charitable efforts. She was beatified by Pope Benedict XV in 1920 and canonized on March 11, 1934 by Pope Pius XI. Her feast day is May 9. Her remains are enshrined in the chapel of the motherhouse of the Daughters of Charity at 140 rue du Bac, Paris. She is the patron saint of social workers, and she is honored for her compassion and dedication to serving those in need.

Additional Info

  • ID#: 73-RSSR-7
  • Size: 19 inches (25.5 cm) tall
  • Age: ca. 1920's
  • Origin: France
  • Materials: bronze, glass, enamel, silk, silver, paper, Spanish wax
  • Price: $3,250
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