18th-century theca containing a piece of the Shroud of Turin (Ex Sindone D.N.J.C.)
19th century theca containing First Class relics of several saints
19th-century theca containing relics of XII Apostles.
Theca is sealed on the reverse with a red Spanishwax seal with the imprint of the coat of arms of the issuing Roman Catholic authority
Relic's Certificate of Authenticity
- Ex capillis - from the hair
- Ex capsa mortuaria - bodily particles from the mortuary box
- Ex carne - from the flesh
- Ex cineribus - from the ashes
- Ex corpore (corpus), cravio, - from the body
- Ex costa - from the rib
- Ex cranium - of the skull
- Ex dentium - of the tooth
- Ex ligneo pulvere, mixto pulveri corporis, quem residuum continebat prima capsa funeralis - from the remains of the wood, mixed with the dust of the body, the residue of which was contained in the first sarcophagus
- Ex ossibus - from the bone
- Ex pelle - from the skin
- Ex pelle pedis - from the skin of the foot
- Ex praecordis - from the stomach and intestines
- Ex sanguinis (sanguis) - from the blood
- Ex spongia imbuto sanguinis - of a sponge soaked in blood
- Ex tela imbuto sanguinis - of a cloth soaked in blood
- Ex velo serico quo ossa involuta sunt - particles of bone from the silk veil the relics are wrapped in
- Ex viscera - from the flesh
- Ex Arundine D.N.J.C. - of the cane of Our Lord Jesus Christ
- Ex Bireto - from the biretta
- Ex Petrae Calvariae - of Golgotha rock
- Ex Coenaculum - of the site of the Last Supper
- Ex Cincturae - of the Belt
- Ex Cingendo (Ex Cingulo) - of the Girdle
- Clavus - Holy Nail
- Ex Columnae Flag. - of the Column of Flagellation
- Ex Corona Spinensis (Coronse spinse) D.N.J.C. - of Crown of Thorns of Our Lord Jesus Christ
- Ex lignum Crucis D.N.J.C. - Wood from the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ
- SS. Crucis D.N.J.C. - the Most Holy Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ
- Ex Cunis (Cunabulum) - of the Holy Manger of Our Lord
- Ex Domo - Either the Domo Lauretana or the Ephesus House
- Ex Fascia - of the Bandage / of the Sash
- Ex Fune - of the Rope
- Lancea Longini - the Holy Spear
- Ex Lacte B.V.M. - of the Milk of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Ex Mensa Ult. Cenae - of the Table of the Last Supper
- Ex Pane Benedetta - of the Blessed Bread
- Ex Praesepe D.N.J.C - Particle from the Nativity Grotto of our Lord Jesus Christ
- Ex Rupe M. Calvario D.N.J.C. - Particle from the Stone of Mount Calvary of Our Lord Jesus Christ
- Ex Scala Sancta - of the Holy Steps
- Ex Scala Cruciae - from the Holy Stairs of the Cross
- Ex Sindone D.N.J.C - of Shroud of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Turin, Constantinople]
- Ex Sepulcro D.N.J.C. - Particle from the Empty Tomb of Our Lord Jesus Christ
- De Sponga - of the Holy Sponge
- Ex Stipite Affixionis - of the Whipping post
- Ex Sudarii - of Sweat cloth (Oviedo Shroud)
- Ex Titulus D.N.J.C. - of Titulus IESVS NAZARENVS REX IVDAEORVM that to have been affixed to Jesus' cross.
- Ex Velo - of the Protecting Veil, Pokrov
- Ex Veste Alba - of the White Vestment of Our Lord
- Ex Veste Incons. - the Seamless Coat of Our Lord
- Ex Vinctum - robe or chain that bound Our Lord
SECOND-CLASS RELICS, unless identified with the Holy Family
- Ex arca sepulcrali - of a coffin
- Ex baculo - of the staff
- Ex bireto - from the beret
- Ex calciamentum - of the shoes / sandals
- Ex camiseta - of the shirt
- Ex cappa magna - of the great cape
- Ex casula - of the tomb
- Ex cirothecis - of the glove
- Ex cilitio (cilicum)- of the hairshirt
- Ex cossa - of the funerary box
- Ex domo - of house
- Ex fultura brachiali et crurali - from the support of arm and leg
- Ex fune - of the rope
- Ex Indusio - from the undergarments
- Ex incunabula - from the cradle
- Ex indumentis - from the clothing
- Ex ligno - of the wood
- Ex linteis - of the cloth
- Ex locii - of place, location
- Ex pallio - of pallium (omophor), a woolen cloak
- Ex pileolo - of a cap
- Ex pluviali - cape
- Ex praecepis - of the birthplace, manger
- Ex scutello - of the shield
- Ex sindone - of shroud
- Ex sportula - from the little basket
- Ex stola - of the robe
- Ex strato - from the covering (blanket)
- Ex subuculi - of undergarment, chemise
- Ex sudarialo - of the handkerchief
- Ex tela serica quae tetigit cor - from the silk cloth which touched the heart
- Ex tunica - of tunic, garment
- Ex velo - of veil
- Ex velo que involuta (from the material that wrapped the relics)
- Ex vessillo - of the cloak
- Ex vestimentis - of clothing
- Ex vestibus - of clothing
- Sacre Monte Sion - Pebble from the Mount Zion
- Monte Calvariae - Pebble from the Mount Cavalry
The Abbreviations Frequently Seen on the Relic’s Cedulae
- Abb. - Abbot
- Anacor. - Anchoret
- Ap. (or A., Apost.) - Apostle
- Arc - Archbishop
- B - the Blessed
- B.V.M (Beata Virgo Maria) - Blessed Virgin Mary
- C - Confessor
- Card. - Cardinal
- D - Doctor of the Church
- D.N.I.C. (Domini Nostri Iesu Christi) - Our Lord Jesus Christ
- D.N.J.C. - see above
- E (Ep. or Epis) - Bishop
- E (or Ev. or Evang) - Evangelist
- Eremitae - Hermit
- Exorcistae - Exorcist
- F - Founder of Order
- Imp. - Royalty
- Inn. - (Innocens) - a young child
- Legislat. - lawgiver
- Lev - deacon
- M - Martyr
- MM - Martyrs
- Mater - Mother
- Med. - doctor
- Miles (Mil., M.) - soldier
- Monachi - monk
- Pueri - Child
- Poen. - Penitent
- Presb. - Priest
- Prophetiae - Prophet
- P. (or PP) - Papae - the Pope
- Puellae - girl
- Puer - boy
- Regis - King / Queen
- S - Saint
- SS - Saints
- SS - The Most Holy
- Sp - Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Uxoris - Wife
- V - Virgin
- Vid. - Widow
The Third Class Relics are not in accordance with the Tridentine regulations. Such relics can be created by anyone by touching any object to a first or second class relic. As such, they are not desirable with very few exceptions when the first and second class relics are not available - for example, Passion relics of the Holy Spear or the Holy Nails.
Abbreviations and notable words:
- S. R. E. - Sancta Romana Ecclesia - ("The Holy Roman Church"), often used in reference to the College of Cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church
- S. R. I. Comes (Cavaliere del Sacro Romano Impero) - Knight of the Holy Roman Empire
- Congregatio de Causis Sanctorum -a congregation of the Roman Curia that oversees the process that leads to the canonization of saints
- Servus Dei - a title given to a deceased person whose life and works are being investigated in consideration for official recognition by the Catholic Church as a saint in Heaven.
- Servus Servorum Dei - one of the titles of the Pope used at the beginning of papal bulls.
Description of thecae found in authentics documents
- Argentea - silver
- Auricalcum - brass
- Crystallo - crystal or glass
- Ovalis - oval
- Lypsanotheca (Greek: Λειψανοθηκη) - reliquiarium
Authenticity of Relics
Each relic must have at least one proof of authenticity. It can take the following forms:
- Authentic Spanish red wax seal with the imprint of the Coat of Arms of the Issuing Authority
- Certificate of Authenticity from the Vicariate of Rome or Postulator/Vice Postulator/Custodian/Local Ordinary (Bishop)
- Seal through sticker
- Letter of Testimony
Please note that we are always actively looking to purchase Catholic reliquaries with relics of the Passion, Saints, and Martyrs. If you have a single item or an entire collection, contact us for a complimentary evaluation and appraisal.