Saint Daniel the Stylite (†493) is a Saint and stylite commemorated in the Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Eastern Catholic Churches. Daniel lived on the pillar for 33 years. Due to continuous standing, his feet were reportedly covered with sores, cuts, and ulcers, and the winds of Thrace sometimes stripped him of his scanty clothing. He was visited by both Emperor Leo I the Thracian—accompanied by King Gubazes I of Lazica — and Emperor Zeno. His Feast Day is on 11 December.
Saint Macarius the Great (295-392)(also known as Macarius the Elder or Macarius of Egypt) was a Coptic Christian monk and hermit. St. Abba Macarius was among the most authoritative Desert Fathers of Egypt and a disciple of St. Anthony the Great. The Eastern Orthodox Church celebrates his feast day on January 19 (February 1 by Julian Calendar).