Saint Margaret of Antioch also known as Saint Marina the Great Martyr in the East, is celebrated as a saint by the Eastern-rite Orthodox Church on July 17 and on July 20 in the Western Rite Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Anglican Churches. She was reputed to have promised very powerful indulgences to those who wrote or read her life, or invoked her intercessions; these no doubt helped the spread of her cultus. The veneration of Saint Margaret became very widespread in England, where more than 250 churches are dedicated to her, most famously, St. Margaret's, Westminster, the parish church of the BritishHouses of Parliament in London. She is considered a Holy Patron of childbirth, pregnant women, dying people, kidney disease, peasants, exiles, falsely accused people; Lowestoft, England; Queens' College, Cambridge; nurses; Sannat and Bormla, and Malta.