The Vietnamese Martyrs (Vietnamese: Các Thánh Tử đạo Việt Nam; French: Martyrs du Viêt Nam), also known as the Martyrs of Annam, Martyrs of Tonkin and Cochinchina, Martyrs of Indochina, or Andrew Dung-Lac and Companions (Anrê Dũng-Lạc và các bạn tử đạo), are saints on the General Roman Calendar who were canonized by Pope John Paul II on June 19, 1988. Their Feast Day is commemorated on November 24.
Saint Joseph Canh Luang Hoang († 1838 ) was a Martyr of Vietnam. He was a native physician of Vietnam, a Dominican tertiary, and was beheaded by the Japanese authorities because of his refusal to deny Christ. He was canonized in 1988 by Pope John Paul II.
Saint Ignatius Delgado y Cebrian, OP, († 1838 ) was a bishop from Spain who was captured in the village of Can Lao, put in a cage on public display for ridicule and abuse, and died of hunger and exposure while waiting for execution.
Saint Joseph Fernandez, OP, († 1838 ) was a Dominican martyr of Vietnam. He was sent there in 1805 as an ordained priest and appointed provincial vicar of the mission. He was beheaded. He was canonized in 1988 by Pope John Paul II.