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Reliquary theca with a relics of St. Savina of Milan & St. Marcellina

Oval glass-fronted silver pendant reliquary theca housing first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relics of two early Christian saints: Saint Savina of Milan and Saint Marcellina of Milan. The relics are affixed to a gold silk ground and identified in Latin on a fancy manuscript cedulae labels as Saint Savinae M. // S. Marcellinae (Saint Savina, Martyr and Saint Marcellina). On the back, the theca is secured with a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of  arms of the Archbishop of Milan.

Saint Savina (Italian: Santa Savina) (†311) was a Milanese martyr under Diocletian. Her feast day is the 30th of January. She gave aid to Christian prisoners and also ensured that they received proper burials after their executions, and for this reason she was martyred. Tradition states that she died while praying at the tomb of Saints Nabor and Felix. Her feast is commemorated on 20 January.

Saint Marcellina (†397) was the elder sister of Ambrose of Milan and Satyrus of Milan. Marcellina devoted her life as a consecrated virgin to the practice of prayer and asceticism. She lived a life of great austerity, which Ambrose tried to persuade her to mitigate. According to tradition, she turned the family home into a church dedicated in Mary, which later became Sant'Ambrogio della Massima. Marcellina survived her brother by a year, dying in 398. Honored as a saint, she was buried in the crypt under the altar of the Ambrosian Basilica in Milan. The Institute St. Marcellina was established in 1955 in Hampstead, London in honor of her. The institute, run by the Sisters of St. Marcellina, is a residence for foreign students. Her feast is commemorated on 17 July.


Additional Info

  • ID#: 63-RSCR98-9
  • Size: 37 x 31 mm
  • Age: ca. 18th century
  • Origin: Milan, Italy
  • Materials: silver, glass, silk, paper, Spanish wax
  • Price: $775
  • Silver
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