According to tradition, the Veil of the Blessed Virgin Mary was worn by the Virgin as she stood at the foot of the Cross. It had been transferred in the early years of Christianity from Jerusalem to Constantinople when it was presented by the Byzantine Empress Irene to the Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne. In 876 his descendant Charles the Bald gave the relic to the cathedral at Chartres. The Veil is kept in a golden reliquary beside the high altar and has formed the focus of many traditions throughout the centuries. It was believed to have protected the faithful down through the centuries from many dangers and evils, including famine and war, outbreaks of the plague, and the worst ravishes of the French Revolution. The veil itself is more than six meters long and made of silk. Scientific studies have shown that it is of Syrian design, of fine quality, and can be traced to the first century. Every year on 15th August, the Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady, the Veil is processed through the town of Chartres.
Saint Paschal Baylon (†1592) is a saint in the Roman Catholic Church noted for the strict austerities he imposed upon himself and his love for and compassion towards the ill. He is known for his strong and deep devotion to the Eucharist. Pope Paul V beatified him in 1618 and Pope Alexander VIII canonized him in 1690. He is known as the "Seraph of the Eucharist" and is the patron saint of Eucharistic congresses and Eucharistic associations. His feast day is commemorated on May 17.
Saint Clement of Rome (†99), also known as Pope Clement I, was Bishop of Rome (p. 88-99) have been consecrated by Saint Peter, is considered to be the first Apostolic Father of the Church and a leading member of the church in Rome in the late 1st century. He was imprisoned under Emperor Trajan; during this time, he is recorded to have led a ministry among fellow prisoners. He was executed by being tied to an anchor and thrown into the sea. Clement is recognized as a saint in many Christian churches and is considered a patron saint of mariners and stone-cutters. He is commemorated on 23 November in the Catholic Church and 24 November in Orthodox Christianity.
Fra Jacopone da Todi, O.F.M. (†1306), also known as the Blessed James (Jacob) of Bitecto, was an Italian Franciscan friar from Umbria who wrote several laudi (songs in praise of the Lord) in the local vernacular. He was an early pioneer in Italian theatre, being one of the earliest scholars who dramatized Gospel subjects. From the time of his death, Jacopone was considered to have been a saint by his followers, both within and outside of the Franciscan Order. He is honored as Blessed within the Order. Several attempts were made over the centuries to have the Catholic Church recognize his sanctity. In the 17th century, both the City Council and the cathedral chapter of Todi petitioned the Holy See to do so. In the 19th century, the Postulator for the Causes of saints of the Order of Friars Minor collected documents for this step. To date, however, the Church has never formally approved this devotion.
Saint Benignus of Dijon (French: Saint Bénigne) was a martyr honored as the patron saint and first herald of Christianity of Dijon, Burgundy. He proselytized in Gaul, and performed numerous miracles despite the persecution of Christians. Denounced to Emperor Aurelian, he was arrested at Épagny and put on trial. Benignus refused to sacrifice to pagan deities or Caesar, and refused to deny Christ. The authorities savagely tortured him, to which he responded with new miracles. Eventually, Benignus was clubbed to death with a bar of iron, and his heart pierced. His feast is commemorated on November 1.
Saint Constantius (†286) is venerated as a member of the legendary Theban Legion. According to tradition, Constantius survived the decimation of his Legion and fled to the Val Maira, today in the province of Cuneo, with some other survivors. They dedicated themselves to preaching the Christian religion, but all of them, except for Constantius, were soon killed by the Roman authorities. Saint Constantius was eventually beheaded on Monte San Bernardo, where a sanctuary dedicated to him was built, known as San Costanzo al Monte. Due to his connection with the Theban Legion, Constantius is considered to have been of Egyptian birth; this has led to his veneration in the Coptic Church. His feast is commemorated on September 18.
Saint Valerius (†287), along with Saint Rufinus, are venerated as Christian saints and martyrs. They were imperial tax collectors in Soissons and pious Christians. They were ordered to be arrested by Rictius Varus, the praefectus-praetorii in Gaul. The two saints hid themselves in a cave in a forest near Soissons but were eventually caught and then tortured and beheaded on the high road leading to Soissons. Their feast is commemorated on June 14.
Saint Valentine of Rome, was a Christian priest and Martyr who died on the Via Flaminia in the time of the emperor Claudius. After having cured and instructed many persons he was beaten with clubs and beheaded. He is commemorated on February 14 and since the High Middle Ages is associated with a tradition of courtly love.