St. Luigi Giovanni Orione, F.D.P. (†1940) was an Italian priest and the founder a religious institute of men who was active in answering the social needs of his nation as it faced the social upheavals of the late 19th century. Starting in 1899, Orione started to gather a group of priests and clerics that were to become Piccola Opera della Divina Provvidenza (Little Work of Divine Providence). In 1903 the group received the full authorization of the bishop as a religious congregation called the Sons of Divine Providence. In 1931, he founded the Shrine of the Madonna della Guardia in Tortona, which to this day is the principal church in the world for the Orionine order. Orione's mortal remains have rested in the crypt of the Shrine of La Madonna della Guardia in Tortona, which he himself founded, since his burial on March 19, 1940. His body was later exhumed in 1965 for examination. In 1980, he was beatified by Pope John Paul II and canonized by that same Pope, on May 16, 2004. His feast day is commemorated on March 12.