Josaphat Kuntsevych, O.S.B.M., († 1623) (Язафат Кунцэвіч, Jazafat Kuncevič, Jozafat Kuncewicz, Juozapatas Kuncevičius, Йосафат Кунцевич, Josafat Kuntsevych) was a Polish-Lithuanian monk and archbishop of the Ruthenian Uniate Church, who on 12 November 1623 was killed by angry mob in Vitebsk, in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (now in Belarus). He is "the best-known victim" of anti-Catholic violence related to implementing the Union of Brest, and is declared a martyr and saint of the Catholic Church. His feast day is celebrated on November 12 and he is a Holy Patron of Ukraine.