Spectacular large silver glass-fronted oval reliquary theca decorated with chased floral ornamentation and housing rarely seen complete set of relics of all twelve Apostles centered around a precious relic of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The relics are affixed to a decorated background of red silk and identified with paper cedulas inscribed in early 19th century dictus. The reliquary is secured under a removable back lid by a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax with a seal of red Spanish wax with a coat of arms of Monsignor Giovanni Antonio Guadagni (+1759), cardinal vicar general of Rome (1732 - 1756) who was himself beatified as Servant of God under Pope Pius XII. The case is hallmarked with a silver mark of the Vatican seal, that serves as an additional authentic and clear indication of the Vatican Curia provenance.
The reliquary contains the following relics:
- Blessed Virgin Mary (B.V. Mariae)
- Saint Paul the Apostle (S. Pauli, Ap.)
- Saint Peter the Apostle (S. Petri Ap)
- Saint Simon the Apostle (S. Simo. Ap.)
- Saint Matthew the Apostle (S. Mattei Ap.)
- Saint Thomas the Apostle (S. Thomae Ap.)
- Saint James the Greater the Apostle (S. Jac. Maj. Ap.)
- Saint Philip the Apostle (S. Philip. Ap.)
- Saint Jude Thaddeus the Apostle (S. Thaddei Ap.)
- Saint Andrew the Apostle (S. Andreae Ap.)
- Saint James the Less the Apostle (S. Jac. Min. Ap.)
- Saint Mark the Apostle and the Evangelist (S. Marci. E. A.)
- Saint Luke the Apostle and the Evangelist (S. Lucae E. A.)