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Small Reliquary monstrance with relic of St. Roch (Rocco), One of Holy Helpers

An elegant gilt brass monstrance reliquary decorated with red and clear crystals houses the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint Roch. A substantial relic is affixed to the silk background decorated with pearls and colored crystals and identified on a typeset cedula label as S. Roch (Saint Roch). On the back, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax with a clear imprint of a coat of arms of Monsignor Antonio Ligi-Bussi (†1862), Titular Archbishop of Iconium (1851-1862) and Viceregent of Rome (1862). 

Saint Roch (Rocco) († 1327) was a Catholic saint, a confessor specially invoked against the plague. He is a patron saint of dogs and falsely accused people, among other things. His popularity, originally in central and northern Italy and at Montpellier, spread through Spain, France, Lebanon, the Low Countries, Brazil, and Germany, where he was often interpolated into the roster of the Fourteen Holy Helpers, whose veneration spread in the wake of the Black Death. The 16th-century Scuola Grande di San Rocco and the adjacent church of San Rocco were dedicated to him by a confraternity at Venice, where his body was said to have been surreptitiously translated and was triumphantly inaugurated in 1485. Numerous brotherhoods have been instituted in his honor. The Third Order of Saint Francis, by tradition, claims him as a member and includes his feast on its own calendar of saints, observing it on August 17.

Additional Info

  • ID#: 55-RSSR-83
  • Size: Reliquary is 11 inches (28 cm) tall
  • Age: ca. 1850-1860
  • Origin: Rome, Italy
  • Materials: Bronze, glass, silk, Spanish wax
  • Price: $3,250
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