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Reliquary theca with relic of St. Margaret of Cortona, T.O.S.F., Tender of Sick

Oval glass-fronted silver pendant reliquary theca housing the second-class ex tunica (of the tunic) relic of Saint Margaret of Cortona.  A substantial relic is affixed to a gilt-paper starburst on a ground of salmon-colored silk, surrounded by silver wire ornamentation and identified in Latin on a fancy manuscript cedula label as Ex Tunica S. Margaritae de Cortona Paen. (of the tunic of  Saint Margaret of Cortona, Penitent). On the back, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Francesco Maria Ginori (†1775), Bishop of Fiesole, Italy (1736–1775).

Saint Margaret of Cortona, T.O.S.F., (†1297) was an Italian penitent of the Third Order of St. Francis who was canonized in 1728. She established a hospital for the sick, homeless and impoverished. To attract nurses for the hospital, and to help look after those imprisoned, she instituted a congregation of Tertiary Sisters, known as Le poverelle (Little poor ones in Italian). She was to report that, while in prayer, she heard the words, "What is your wish, poverella?" (little poor one). She had replied, "I neither seek nor wish for anything but You, my Lord Jesus." She went on to establish a congregation devoted to Our Lady of Mercy, members binding themselves to support the hospital and to help the needy. She offered counsel to penitents who began to seek her out as fame for her sanctity spread. She is the patron saint of the falsely accused, hoboes, homeless, insane, orphaned, mentally ill, midwives, penitents, single mothers, reformed prostitutes, stepchildren, and tramps. Her body, found to be incorrupt even after 400 years, is preserved in a silver casket inside the church rebuilt in Cortona in her honor. Margaret was canonized by Pope Benedict XIII on 16 May 1728 and is honored with a Lesser Feast on the liturgical calendar of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America on 22 February.

Additional Info

  • ID#: 69-RSCR124-7
  • Size: 36 x 29 mm
  • Age: ca. mid-18th century
  • Origin: Fiesole, Italy
  • Materials: silver, glass, paper, silk, Spanish wax
  • Price: $850
  • Silver
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