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Home>>Catholic Relics

18c Reliquary theca with relics of St. Paul the Apostle

Fancy-shaped glass-fronted silver reliquary theca housing the first-class Ex Ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint Paul, the Apostle. The relic is mounted to a silk ground and identified in Latin on a manuscript cedula label as Ex Ossib. S. Pauli Apost. (of the bone of Saint Paul, the Apostle). On the back, the theca is secured with a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Antonio Cantoni (†1781), Bishop of Faenza, Italy (1742–1767) and Archbishop of Ravenna, Italy (1767–1781).

Saint Paul, the Apostle († AD 67), was an Apostle who taught the gospel of Christ to the first-century world and is generally considered one of the most important figures of the Apostolic Age founding several churches in Asia Minor and Europe. The Roman Martyrology assigns 29 June as the feast day of both Apostles, Peter and Paul.

Additional Info

  • ID#: 298-RSCR-15
  • Size: 43 x 27 mm
  • Age: ca. Middle of the 18th century
  • Origin: Faenza, Italy
  • Materials: silver, glass, paper, silk, Spanish wax
  • Price: SOLD!
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross
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