Saint Anthony Maria Zaccaria C.R.S.P. (†1539) was an early leader of the Counter-Reformation and one of the founders of the Barnabite Order. He was Beatified by Pope Leo XIII and canonized on May 15, 1897 by Pope Leo XIII. He is a patron of The Barnabite order, Angelic Sisters of St. Paul, Laity of St. Paul, and Physicians.
Saint Alexander Sauli, C.R.S.P. († 1592), was an Italian priest, who is called the "Apostle of Corsica". In 1571, he was appointed by Pius V to the ancient see of Aleria, Corsica, where he rebuilt churches, founded colleges and seminaries, and despite the depredations of corsairs, placed the Church in a flourishing condition. He is a holy patron of Corsica and Barnabite seminarians. His feast day is celebrated on October 11. >
Francis Xavier Bianchi, C.R.S.P. (†1815), was an Italian Barnabite priest and noted scholar, who also gained a reputation for sanctity during his lifetime from both his commitment to his students and to the poor of Naples. Bianchi was beatified in 1893 by Pope Leo XIII, who also declared him to be the "Apostle of Naples". He was later canonized in 1951 by Pope Pius XII. His remains are enshrined in the Church of Santa Maria di Caravaggio in Naples. His feast day is celebrated on January 31 by the Barnabites and the Catholic Church in Naples.