Translation of the authentics document from Latin:
Order of Hermits of St. Augustine / Congregation Observers of Lombardi
By the grace of God and the Apostolic See, Titular Bishop of Thagaste / Domestic Prelate and Assistant to the Papal Throne
To each and all about to read our letter at hand, we pledge our faith and we attest that good sacred relics having been displayed to us, we have recognized them as taken from authentic locations and supported by authentic documentation and an official seal. From these, we have drawn out the following, namely: a strand from the Holiest Hair of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, which she bore on her head, while she lived here on Earth.
This relic we have deposited and arranged with reverence inside a small reliquary of silver, one finger across, with glass on the front, closed tight and tied with a red silk thread, secured on the back with our small seal impressed in red Spanish wax to serve as a greater identification of the aforementioned Sacred Relic. We have given this relic as a gift for the greater Glory of God and the veneration of his Saints, and we have given it freely with the option [for the receiver] to keep it to himself, give it to others, or place and exhibit it publicly in whatever Church, Chapel, or Oratory he may wish for the veneration of the faithful of Christ. In faith of these things, we have entrusted this document, signed by our own hand and confirmed with a seal, to be prepared by our underwritten secretary.
Dated at Milan in the convent of Santa Maria Incoronata (the of Saint Mary Crowned) on the 1st of November in the year 1756.
The Hair of Our Lady is the rarest and the most desirable of all holy relics and the only first-class relic we have of the Most Holy Mother of God. Since the Blessed Virgin Mary was assumed into Heaven with body and soul, no physical relics of Her exist. The sole exception is that of Her hair, which had been preserved and venerated since antiquity in the Holy House of Nazareth. The Holy relic was initially kept by the Patriarchs of Jerusalem until the fifth century when it was ordered by the Byzantine Empress Pulcheria for the Holy relics of the Virgin's Veil and Hair to be translated to Constantinople.