Opulent large Baroque parcel-gilt silver reliquary decorated by intricate flowers and an image of the Holy Spirit as a dove under a crown containing an oval silver crystal-fronted theca housing a substantial first-class relic of Saint Jerome, Doctor of the Church. The relics affixed to the background of multicolored silk surrounded by paperolle ornamentation and identified on a paper cedula label as Ex Praecordis / S. Hieronymi / P. E. D. (from the inner parts of St. Jerome, Priest, Hermit, and Doctor of the Church). The reliquary is secured on the back with a perfectly preserved seal with a coat of arms of Fr. Giuseppe Mancini (†1855), Archbishop of Siena (1824-1855).
Saint Jerome († 420) was a priest, confessor, theologian, and historian who became a Doctor of the Church. He is best known for his translation of most of the Bible into Latin, and he focused his attention on the lives of women and identified how a woman devoted to Jesus should live her life. He is recognized as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Lutheran Church, and the Church of England. He is a patron of archeologists; archivists; Bible scholars; librarians; libraries; schoolchildren; students; and translators.