The Penitent Thief, also known as the Good Thief or the Thief on the Cross, is one of two unnamed persons mentioned in a version of the Crucifixion of Jesus in the New Testament. In the accounts in the Gospel of Mark and Gospel of Matthew, these two join the crowd in mocking Jesus. The Gospel of Luke describes one asking Jesus to "remember him" when Jesus will have "come into" his kingdom. He is officially venerated in the Catholic Church. The Roman Martyrology places his commemoration on March 25, together with the Feast of the Annunciation, because of a Medieval Catholic hypothesis that Christ (and the penitent thief) were crucified and died exactly on the anniversary of Christ's Incarnation. He is given the name Dismas in the Gospel of Nicodemus and is traditionally known in Catholicism as Saint Dismas (sometimes Dysmas; in Spanish and Portuguese, Dimas).