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Home>>Catholic Relics

Reliquary theca with relics of Saint Alexander Sauli, the Apostle of Corsica

Round silver glass-fronted reliquary theca dating to 1920's housing substantial first class ex ossibus (from the bone) relics of Saint Alexander Sauli. The relics are affixed to a red silk background and identified on a typographic cedula as Ex Oss / S. Alex Sauli (Of the bone of Saint Alexander Sauli). On the back, under a protective cap, the theca is protected by a seal of red wax with a hardly visible imprint of a coat of arms of the Barnabite Order.

Saint Alexander Sauli, C.R.S.P. († 1592), was an Italian priest, who is called the "Apostle of Corsica". In 1571, he was appointed by Pius V to the ancient see of Aleria, Corsica, where he rebuilt churches, founded colleges and seminaries, and despite the depredations of corsairs, placed the Church in a flourishing condition. He is a holy patron of Corsica and Barnabite seminarians. His feast day is celebrated on October 11.


Additional Info

  • ID#: 16-RSABR-2
  • Size: 30 mm in diameter
  • Age: ca. 1920's
  • Materials: White metal
  • Price: SOLD!
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