Saint Pope Pius I († c. 154) was the bishop of Rome from c. 140 to his death. He is considered to have opposed both the Valentinians and Gnostics during his papacy. He is celebrated as a Martyr saint by the Catholic Church with a feast day on 11 July.
Saint Pope Anicetus († 168) was the bishop of Rome from c. 157 to his death. He actively opposed Gnosticism and Marcionism. He welcomed Polycarp of Smyrna to Rome to discuss the Easter controversy. He suffered martyrdom during the reign of Emperor Lucius Verus. The Liber Pontificalis states he was buried in the cemetery of Callistus. His Feast Day is commemorated on 20 April[1] (West) 17 April (Greek Christianity) and 17 April (Tridentine calendar).