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Reliquary theca with a relic of St. Leonard of Port Maurice

Reliquary theca with a relic of St. Leonard of Port Maurice

Oval glass-fronted brass pendant reliquary theca housing first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint Leonard of Port Maurice. The relic is affixed to a red silk ground, surrounded by gilt paperolle ornamentation, and identified in Latin on a manuscript cedula label as S. Leon. P. M. (Saint Leonard of Port Maurice). On the back, the theca is secured with a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of an unidentified Roman Catholic Archbishop.

Saint Leonard of Port Maurice, O.F.M., (Italian: San Leonardo da Porto Maurizio) († 1751) was an Italian Franciscan preacher and ascetic writer called "the great missionary of the 18th century". Pope Pius VI pronounced his beatification on 19 June 1796, and Pope Pius IX his canonization on 29 June 1867. St. Leonard's Church in Boston, founded in 1873, is the first Roman Catholic Church in New England built by Italian immigrants. His Feast is celebrated on November 27.

Дополнительная Информация

  • ID#: 53-RSCR98-9
  • Размер: 27 x 23 mm
  • Возраст: около
  • Происхождение: около
  • Материалы: около
  • Цена: $675

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