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1992 Documented theca with relic of the Blessed Lucy of Caltagirone, Patron of the blind

Round yellow-metal glass-fronted reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of the Blessed Lucy of Caltagirone. The relic is affixed to a red silk ground and identified in Latin on a manuscript cedula label as B. Luciae a Calto. (Blessed Lucy of Caltagirone). On the back, under a protective cap, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of the Order of Friars Minor. The reliquary is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued by the Postulator General of the Order in 1992. 

Blessed Lucy of Caltagirone († 1400) was a Franciscan Saint. She was born in Sicily and was saved from death by St Nicholas, starting increasing devotion in her life. She joined the Third Order, helping the poor and practicing a life of prayer and penance. Her sanctity spread far and wide as she performed miracles, including the curing of eye ailments, and aided in the conversion of many. The numerous miracles at her grave were ample testimony of her sanctity. Many silver eyes have been left at her tomb because many who suffered from eye diseases and even blind persons were cured through her intercession. Her Feast Day is commemorated on Sep 22.

Дополнительная Информация

  • ID#: 131-RSGSR
  • Размер: 33 mm across
  • Возраст: около
  • Происхождение: около
  • Материалы: около
  • Цена: $875

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