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1992 Documented theca with relic of Jesuit St. Claude La Colombière

1992 Documented theca with relic of Jesuit St. Claude La Colombière

Round yellow-metal glass-fronted reliquary theca housing first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint Claude La Colombière. The relic is affixed to a red silk ground and identified in Latin on a typeset cedula label as S. Claudii La Colombiére (Saint Claude La Colombière). On the back, under a protective cap, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of the Society of Jesus (commonly known as the Jesuit Order). The reliquary is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued by the Postulator General of the Order in 1992. 

Saint Claude La Colombière (†1682) was a Jesuit priest and the confessor of Margaret Mary Alacoque who is formally venerated as a saint in the Catholic Church. He was a missionary and ascetical writer. Colombière left many writings, including his principal works, Pious Reflections, Meditations on the Passion, and Retreat and Spiritual Letters. Colombière was beatified by Pope Pius XI on 16 June 1929, and canonized by Pope John Paul II on 31 May 1992. His relics are preserved in the Jesuit Church around the corner from the convent of the Visitation sisters at Paray-le-Monial. His feast day is the day of his death, 15 February.


Дополнительная Информация

  • ID#: 125-RSHGR
  • Размер: 32 mm across
  • Возраст: около
  • Происхождение: около
  • Материалы: около
  • Цена: $900

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