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Home>>Тематические Коллекции>>Collection - Twelve Great Orthodox Feasts

Коллекция - Иконы Двенадесятных Праздников

Двунадесятые праздники— двенадцать важнейших после Пасхи праздников в православии​ которые посвящены событиям земной жизни Иисуса Христа и Богородицы​.​

Двунадесятые праздники (по хронологии церковного года, который начинается  1 (14) сентября:

  1. Рождество Пресвятой Богородицы — 8 (21) сентября;
  2. Воздвижение Креста Господня — 14 (27) сентября;
  3. Введение во храм Пресвятой Богородицы — 21 ноября (4 декабря);
  4. Рождество Христово — 25 декабря (7 января);
  5. Крещение Господне — 6 (19) января
  6. Сретение Господне — 2 (15) февраля;
  7. Благовещение Пресвятой Богородицы — 25 марта (7 апреля);
  8. Вход Господень в Иерусалим — ближайшее воскресенье перед Пасхой, Переходящий;
  9. Вознесение Господне — 40-й день после Пасхи, четверг 6-й седмицы после Пасхи. Переходящий;
  10. День Святой Троицы — 50-й день после Пасхи, 8-ое воскресенье после Пасхи. Переходящий;
  11. Преображение Господне — 6 (19) августа;
  12. Успение Пресвятой Богородицы — 15 (28) августа.

    Иконы двунадесятых праздников в храмах, где есть полный иконостас, принято размещать во втором снизу ряду, между местным и деисусным рядами; если храм освящён в честь одного из двунадесятых праздников, то соответствующая икона бывает и в местном ряду.

Икона - Воздвижение святого Креста

The icon depicts the Exaltation of the Holy Cross – one the most important feasts of the Orthodox liturgical year established around the relic of the True Cross, found by Saint Helen and kept in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. In the center are Bishop Macarius and another Bishop raising the Cross with the help of two deacons. Empress Helen and her son Emperor Constantine are flanking the group. Behind them, is depicted the Basilica of the Resurrection crowned by five domes (also called the Church of the Holy Sepulchre).

  • ID# 411-046-052-SP2
  • Размер 13 3/4 x 12 1/4 inches (35 x 31 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $2,500
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Старозаветная Троица

The Old Testament Trinity icon depicts the story of three angels who visited Abraham (Genesis 18:1–8), but the painting is full of symbolism and is generally interpreted as an icon of the Holy Christian Trinity, "one God in three persons" – the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. The Three Messengers are depicted in the center as winged angels sitting around a hospitable table being served by Abraham and Sarah pictured on the left. On the background the Abraham’s house is pictured and the Oak of Mamre.

  • ID# 179-029-087-SP7-2
  • Размер 51 x 46 cm
  • Возраст около 1900
  • Материалы около 1900
  • Цена $1,350
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Православные праздники и избранные святые

The icon is depicting major Orthodox feasts and selected saints centered around the scene of Christ's descent into the Hades and the Resurrection. 

  • ID# 151-105-114-SP7-15
  • Размер 52 x 44 cm
  • Возраст около 1900
  • Материалы около 1900
  • Цена $1,250
  • Orthodox Cross

Russian four-part icon depicting Descent to the Hades, Severing Head of Saint John the Baptist, Our Lady of the Unburnt Bush, and The Dormition of Theotokos

Four-Part Icon depicting Descent to the Hades in the center surrounded by four panels showing Severing Head of Saint John the Baptist, Our Lady of the Unburnt Bush, Apostles Peter and Paul, and the Dormition of Theotokos.

  • ID# 86-016-186-L60i4-150
  • Размер 17 1/3 in x 15 in (44 cm x 38 cm)
  • Возраст ca. 1830,
  • Происхождение Central Russia
  • Материалы Egg tempera on gessoed wood
  • Цена $1,200

Икона - Распятие с предстоящими

The icon is depicting crucified Christ flanked by the Virgin Mary, St. Mary Magdalene, St. John the Theologian, and St. Longinus the Centurion.

  • ID# 246-104-075-SP7-7
  • Размер 44 x 36 cm
  • Возраст около 1900
  • Материалы около 1900
  • Цена $1,200
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Воскресение Христово и Православные Праздники

The icon is depicting the feast of the Resurrection of Jesus, called Pascha (Easter) -  the greatest of the feasts of the Eastern Orthodox Church. In addition, there are other Twelve Great Feasts: 1. Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God 2. the Exaltation of the Cross 3. the Presentation of the Theotokos 4. the Nativity of Christ/Christmas 5. the Baptism of Christ - Theophany, also called Epiphany 6. the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple 7. the Annunciation 8. the Entry into Jerusalem 9. the Ascension of Christ 10. Pentecost 11. the Transfiguration 12 .the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God. Four Evangelists are depicted in the corners. 

  • ID# 86-103-115-SP7-1
  • Размер 40 x 33 cm
  • Возраст около 1900
  • Происхождение около 1900
  • Материалы около 1900
  • Цена $975
  • Orthodox Cross

4-Panel Russian Icon: The Crucifixion and 4 Miracleworking Madonnas

Complex icon depicting the Crucifixion flanked by the Mother of God and St. John under God the Father, with four panels depicting Miracleworking Madonnas

  • ID# 78-102-96-SP6-11
  • Размер 12 x 10 in (31 x 26 cm)
  • Возраст ca. 1900
  • Материалы Egg tempera on silvered, tooled, and gessoed wood
  • Цена $950
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Крещение Господне

The icon depicts the Baptism of Jesus Christ. For the Eastern Christians, the feast of Baptism is more important than that of Nativity, in that it is a Theophany, a great manifestation of Christ's divinity. The iconography of the Baptism is simple and ancient, adhering closely to the Gospels. Christ is depicted at the moment of abasing himself by stepping into the river to be baptized when a voice from the heavens revealing him to be the Son of God. The rocky landscape of the Jordan valley opens up into a whirlpool. John the Baptist leans over Christ, who dominates the waters and blesses him. Three angels symbolizing the Holy Trinity with hands veiled as a sign of respect are ready to receive the naked body of Christ as if it were the Eucharist. Over Christ, the dove of the Holy Spirit sheds the divine light and God the Father from heaven announces "Thou art my beloved Son, with thee I am well pleased." With his baptism, Christ is renewed in his own person the primordial image of man had lost through sin.
  • ID# 338-078-071-SP1
  • Размер 12 1/4 x 9 3/4 inches (31 x 25 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $925
  • Orthodox Cross

Russian four-part Icon with Crucifixion depicting Sooth My Sorrow Mother of God, Our Lady of Vladimir, Saint Nicholas, and Saint Seraphim of Sarovsk

Three border saints are: Saint John the Theologian, Saint Zinaida and Saint Justinia

  • ID# 120-024-108-L60i4-90
  • Размер 12 1/4 in x 10 1/4 in (31 cm x 26 cm)
  • Возраст ca. 1870, Central Russia
  • Материалы Egg tempera on gessoed wood
  • Цена $900

Russian Icon - icon depicting the Crucifixion, Our Lady of Kazan, St. Nicholas, St. Michael, and St. George

Complex icon depicting the Crucifixion flanked by the Mother of God and St. John under God the Father, with four panels depicting Our Lady of Kazan (top left), St. Nicholas (top right), St. Michael the Archangel, Chief of the Heavenly Host (bottom left), and St. George Slaying the Dragon (Bottom right)

  • ID# 17-52-58-SP6-100
  • Размер 13 3/4 x 11 3/4 in (35 x 30 cm)
  • Возраст ca. 1890s
  • Происхождение Icon painting village of Kholui
  • Материалы Egg tempera on silvered and gessoed wood
  • Цена $900
  • Orthodox Cross

Four-Panel icon depicting the Crucifixion, Our Lady of Kazan, Our Lady of the Unburnt Bush, St. Michael the Archangel and St. Nicholas,

  • ID# 207-078-101-SP6-1
  • Размер 21 x 17 1/2 in (53 x 44 cm)
  • Возраст ca. 1900
  • Материалы Egg tempera on silvered and gessoed wood
  • Цена $900
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Православные Праздники

The feast of the Resurrection of Jesus, called Pascha (Easter), is the greatest of the feasts of the Eastern Orthodox Church. In addition, there are other Twelve Great Feasts: 1. Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God 2. the Exaltation of the Cross 3. the Presentation of the Theotokos 4. the Nativity of Christ/Christmas 5. the Baptism of Christ - Theophany, also called Epiphany 6. the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple 7. the Annunciation 8. the Entry into Jerusalem 9. the Ascension of Christ 10. Pentecost 11. the Transfiguration 12 .the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God

  • ID# 157-106-086-RSSP7-15
  • Размер 53 x 43 cm
  • Возраст около 1900
  • Происхождение Российская провинция
  • Материалы Темпера на грунтованной доске
  • Цена $900
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Воскресение Христово

The feast of the Resurrection of Jesus, called Pascha (Easter), is the greatest of the feasts of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Christ is shown standing on a Roman-style sarcophagus with his right hand raised. The slab has been removed by a winged angel who is shown kneeled on top of it with a palm branch of the Martyrdom in his hand. In the foreground, the Roman soldiers are depicted awoken and frightened by the risen Christ. The crosses are seen in the background on top of Mount Cavalry (Golgotha).

  • ID# 107-1009-014-226-SP1
  • Размер 11 x 8 3/4 inches (28 x 22 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $875
  • Orthodox Cross

Russian 4-Panel Folding Skladen Travel Icon of The Twelve Principal Feasts and Miracle-working Madonnas

Metal icon of four-folding panels depicting “Twelve Principal Orthodox Feasts and Miracle-working Madonnas.”

  • ID# 03-DDPbA-22
  • Размер 16 cm x 36 cm (6 1/4 in x 14 1/2 in)
  • Возраст ca. 19th century Moscow Region
  • Материалы brass and 3-color enamel
  • Цена $850

Russian 4-Panel Folding Skladen Travel Icon of The Twelve Principal Feasts and Miracle-working Madonnas

Metal icon of four-folding panels depicting “Twelve Principal Orthodox Feasts and Miracle-working Madonnas.”

The icon is divided into 20 smaller panels: five on the far right panel depicting selected icons on Madonnas venerated by saints (The Dormition Mother of God of Tichvin with selected Saints; Mother of God of Vladimir with selected Saints; Mother of God of Smolensk with selected Saints; Mother of God of Sign with Selected Saints with Praise of Mother of God - on the top) and the other 15 depicting a principal Feasts of the Orthodox calendar including The Annunciation; the Nativity of Christ; the Nativity of the Virgin; the Presentation of the Virgin to the Temple; the Crucifixion surrounded by Saint Martha, Virgin Mary, Saints John and Longin Centurion; the Presentation of Christ to the Temple; the Baptism of Christ; the Transfiguration of Christ; Christ’s Entrance to Jerusalem. On the top New Testament Trinity God Father and The Son enthroned, and the sphere with cross between them, above The Holy Spirit in the image of a dove with symbols of the Evangelists below; The Resurrection and The Descent into Hell, The Ascension, and The Old Testament Trinity.

  • ID# 01-DDPbA-22
  • Размер 16 cm x 37 cm (6 1/2 in x 14.5 in)
  • Возраст ca. 19th century Moscow Region
  • Материалы brass
  • Цена $800

Russian 4-Panel Folding Skladen Travel Icon of The Twelve Principal Feasts and Miracle-working Madonnas

Metal icon of four-folding panels depicting “Twelve Principal Orthodox Feasts and Miracle-working Madonnas.”

  • ID# 106-DDMA2-17
  • Размер 15 cm x 36 cm (6 in x 14 in)
  • Возраст ca. 19th century Moscow Region
  • Материалы brass and 2-color enamel
  • Цена $750

Икона - Архангел Гавриил Благовещения из Царских Врат

Left panel from a  matching  pair of icons originally inserted into the Royal Doors of an Orthodox iconostasis and depicting the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Christian celebration of the announcement by the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary that she would conceive and become the mother of Jesus, the Son of God, marking his Incarnation. Gabriel is shown blessing with one hand and holding a stem of lilies in the other.

  • ID# 47-103-079-SP7-1
  • Размер 27 x 22 cm
  • Возраст около 1900
  • Материалы около 1900
  • Цена $750
  • Orthodox Cross

Russian icon - The Resurrection of Christ

The icon depicts of the Resurrection of Christ. 

  • ID# 186-047-016-SP6-8
  • Размер 10 1/4 x 8 3/4 in (26 x 21)
  • Возраст ca. 1890s
  • Материалы Egg tempera on gessoed wood
  • Цена $700
  • Orthodox Cross

Russian icon - 4-Panel icon: Christ Pantocrator, the Annunciation, Our Lady of Kazan, and St. Prince Alexander Nevsky

Russian icon divided into 4 separate registers depicting Christ Pantocrator, the Annunciation, Our Lady of Kazan, and St. Prince Alexander Nevsky.

  • ID# 235-101-025-SP6-7
  • Размер 12 1/4 x 10 in (31 x 25 cm)
  • Возраст ca. 1900
  • Материалы Egg tempera on gessoed wood
  • Цена $600
  • Orthodox Cross

Small Russian Orthodox 3-panel folding travel skladen icon depicting Saint Nicholas of Mozhaisk with Great Feasts on side panels

Saint Nicholas of Mozhaisk shown in the central panel, with four Orthodox Feasts on side panels: Entry into Jerusalem, Presentation at the Temple, Descent into the Hades, and the Ascension.

  • ID# 130-DDMA-8
  • Размер 9 cm x 10 cm (3 1/2 in x 4 in)
  • Возраст ca. 19th century, Old Believer's workshop
  • Материалы brass
  • Цена $550

Small Russian Orthodox 3-panel folding travel skladen icon depicting Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra with Great Feasts on side panels

Saint Nicholas is shown under Not-Made-By-Hands image of Christ, the Old Testament Trinity and two seraphims on the central panel, with four Orthodox Feasts on side panels: Entry into Jerusalem, Presentation at the Temple, Descent into the Hades, and the Ascension.


  • ID# 131-DDMA-8
  • Размер 9 cm x 10 cm (3 1/2 in x 4 in)
  • Возраст ca. 19th century, Old Believer's workshop, Moscow Region
  • Происхождение Russia
  • Материалы brass
  • Цена $500

Russian Icon - The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

The Feast of the Resurrection of Jesus, called Pascha or Easter, is the greatest of the feasts of the Eastern Orthodox Church. 

  • ID# 166-015-107-L60i3-30
  • Размер 11 in x 8 1/3 in (28 cm x 21 cm)
  • Возраст ca. 1890s, provincial
  • Материалы Oil on gessoed wood
  • Цена $425

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