
small head 4

Пасхальная Коллекция

Orthodox Christians celebrate Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday. The day is also known as Pascha, Easter and Easter Day. The Orthodox Christian date for Easter Sunday often occurs later than the Easter date observed by many western churches. In 2023 - the Orthodox Easter falls on April 16th.

Церковная Дарохранительница из позолоченного серебра с эмалью

Ca. 1910 exceptional, large, and opulent liturgical tabernacle made of gilt silver and cloisonné enamel by a famous Moscow silversmith Dmitry Shelaputin. The tabernacle is made in a shape of an Orthodox church with an onion dome and four turrets surmounted by enameled crosses.  The front doors are engraved with an image of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary. The side panels depict Christ as a Prisoner, Prayer of the Cup (the Agony in the Garden), and Christ in Majesty. 

The tabernacle is fully hallmarked throughout and is preserved in superb original condition. 

  • ID# 01-RSVK-7
  • Размер 21 1/2 inches (56 cm) tall, weight 1750 gram (62 Oz)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Мощевик с мощами святых Космы и Дамиана, врачевателей и чудотворцев

18th-century angel-form reliquary made of painted and gilded wood with front glass panel housing significant first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relics of two Unmercenary healers: Saints Cosmas and Damian. The relics are affixed to a red silk background and identified on paper cedulae labels as S. Cosmae Mart. / S Damiani Mart. (Saint Cosmas Martyr / Saint Damian Martyr). On the back, the reliquary is protected by a crisscrossed silk ribbon held in place by four seals of red Spanish wax with clear imprints of a coat of arms of an unidentified Catholic Bishop. The reliquary has damage on the left side where the arm is partially missing. 

  • ID# 206-RSCR-2
  • Размер 42 cm high
  • Возраст 18 век
  • Происхождение Италия
  • Материалы дерево, стекло
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

Мощевик с мощами Святого мученика Христофора

Spectacular large silver crystal-fronted reliquary decorated with opulent floral ornamentation and housing significant first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of Saint Christopher Substantial relic is affixed to the background of red silk decorated with paperole ornamentation and identified on a paper cedula label as S. Christopha/ri M. (St. Christopher, Martyr). On the back, the theca is secured with a perfectly preserved seal of red Spanish wax bearing a faint imprint with a coat of arms of an unidentified Catholic Bishop.

  • ID# 09-RSSR-22
  • Размер 190 x 120 mm
  • Возраст около 1820 г.
  • Происхождение Италия
  • Материалы Серебро, стекло
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

18в. Храмовая икона - Распятие с предстоящими в окладе с эмалью

A large church icon depicting the crucified Christ flanked by the Virgin Mary, St. John the Apostle, St. Mary Magdalene, and St. Longinus the Centurion. In the corners are depicted the Sun and the Moon, behind the Cross are the walls of Jerusalem, and below is the Adam's head. The enameled plaque, just above Christ’s head, reads "The Crucifixion of Our Lord." The abbreviated inscriptions around Christ's head read: "Jesus Christ, King of Glory and Son of God." The heavy parcel-silvered brass revetment cover and the halos are decorated with intricate polychrome enamel. The icon dates to the 18th century and the embellished cover was added in the 19th century.

  • ID# 3-018-011-SP1
  • Размер 28 x 21 1/4 inches (71 x 54 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Усекновение Главы Святого Иоанна Пророка, Предтечи и Крестителя Господня

Кондак на Усекновение главы Пророка, Предтечи и Крестителя Господня Иоанна

Кондак, глас 5: 

Предтечево славное усекновение / смотрение бысть некое Божественное, / да и сущим во аде Спасово проповесть пришествие. / Да рыдает убо Иродия, / беззаконное убийство испросивши: / не закон бо Божий, ни живый век возлюби, / но Предтечи и Крестителя Иоанна . (29-го августа).

  • ID# 09-RSMI-3
  • Размер 34 x 28 cm
  • Возраст около 1803 года
  • Происхождение Москва
  • Материалы Темпера и позолота на дереве в позолоченном серебряном окладе
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Новозаветная Троица

Large icon depicting the New Testament Trinity of Jesus Christ, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit above. Jesus is pictured on the left seated with a closed book of the Gospels, God the Father as the venerable old white-bearded man on the right, between them the traditional Russian eight-pointed cross. Above them the Holy Spirit appears as a dove in divine light. 

  • ID# 1993-RSHGI-31
  • Размер 44.8 x 37.2 cm
  • Возраст около 17 века
  • Происхождение Россия
  • Материалы Темпера на грунтованной доске
  • Цена $9,775
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Воскресение и Схождение во Ад

The icon is depicting Christ's Descent Into Hades and Anastasis (Resurrection). Christ is shown in two scenes – above in the act of Resurrection and below in his descent into Hades, breaking down the doors of Hell, binding Satan and rescuing Adam and Eve. Behind them follow the kings, the prophets, and the righteous of the Old Testament, David and Solomon wearing the crowns, John the Baptist with the scroll in hand. Feast day: Easter Sunday. 

  • ID# 1333-RSHGI-19
  • Размер 32.3 x 26,3 cm
  • Возраст около 1600
  • Происхождение Россия
  • Материалы Темпера на грунтованной доске
  • Цена $7,750
  • Orthodox Cross

Мощевик с реликвиями Святого Мученика Валентина Римского, Покровителя влюблённых и новобрачных

Большой овальный латунный мощевик с застекленной передней поверхностью вмещает выразительную и важную реликвию Святого Валентина Римского, Епископа и Мученика. Реликвия длиной 3 см (первого порядка - от кости) крепится к основанию,  прихотливо украшенному цветами из позолоченной и посеребренной бумаги. Этикетка гласит: "От кости Святого Валентина, Мученика". С обратной стороны мощевик опечатан сургучом с оттиском печати кардинала Бернардино (+1807), Архиепископа Сенегалии и важного должностного лица Курии Ватикана.

  • ID# 196-RSCR-12
  • Размер 160 x 130 mm
  • Возраст около 1790
  • Происхождение Италия
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Благословение Святого Иоанна Златоуста в окладе 1766 г.

18th-century Russian icon in silver revetment cover depicting rare iconography of the New Testament Trinity of Jesus Christ, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit above blessing St. John the Chrysostom. Hallmarked with a Moscow town mark, CA. 1776 assayer's mark, and maker's initials. Ca. 1849 inscription on the back explains the icon's provenance. 

  • ID# 27-1009-003-121-SP1
  • Размер 26 x 22 cm
  • Возраст около 1776
  • Происхождение Москва
  • Материалы Темпера и позолота на грунтованном дереве, серебро
  • Цена $7,000
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

1870 Документированный реликварий с реликвией от Святого Гвоздя из базилики Святого Креста в Иерусалиме

An attractive French glass-fronted frame of lacquered wood containing a facsimile third-class touch relic of the Holy Nail of Jesus Christ. The relic is certified by a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of the Monastery of the Holy Cross of Jerusalem in Rome

The reliquary frame contains an original matching authentics document stating the following:

We attest to each and every one reading the present document that the enclosed three iron nails fastened with red silk ribbons to the secure seals, were placed near the Sacred Nail, the very sacred relic with which Our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross, that We, the Cistercians preserved in the inner chapel of the urban Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem, and the nails were made artistically to be elaborate so that it may seem very similar to the original. This document is issued in Rome in our Monastery of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem on July 2, 1870.

In addition, the reliquary frame contains the following items:

  1. A cloth ribbon -  3rd class touch relic of the Column of Flagellation of Christ inscribed MISURA DELLA COLONNA DI CRISTO NRO SIGNORE ALLA QUALE FU FLAGELLATO (A Measure Of The Pillar Of Christ Our Lord At Which He Was Flagellated);
  2. A mother-of-pearl pilgrim's cross from the Holy Land;
  3. A dried-up branch from an olive tree in the Garden of Gethsemane with a handwritten label Olivier de Terre Sainte (Olive from the Holy Land);
  4. An engraving with a depiction of the relic of the Titlo from the Cross of Jesus housed in the Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem in Rome;
  5. An envelope with a pebble relic from the Sepulcher of Christ;
  6. Two envelopes with a pebble relic from the Column of Flagellation of Christ;
  7. An envelope with a pebble relic from the Grotto of Gethsemane.

The reliquary is suitable for private and public veneration. 

  • ID# 47-RSSR-15
  • Размер Frame: 17 3/4 x 14 1/4 inches (45 x 36 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Святые Мученики - Мария, Александр Римский и Царица Александра

The icon is depicting theree Christian Martyrs - St. Mary Virgin, St. Alexander of Rome, and St. Queen Alexandra. The iscription on the back dated 1912 indicates a gift from the nuns to their mother superior. 

  • ID# 160-009-176-SP7-7
  • Размер 35 x 31 cm
  • Возраст около 1910
  • Материалы около 1910
  • Цена $2,250
  • Orthodox Cross

Французский реликварий с частицами от Древа Истинного Животворящего Креста

19th-century French large cruciform  reliquary monstrance made of  wood decorated with solid silver caps and center detail and housing a theca with particles from the wood from the True Cross of Jesus ChristThe substantial relics are displayed in a  crystal-fronted silver theca placed in the center of the reliquary. On its back, the theca is secured by an undisturbed seal of red Spanish wax with an imprint of a coat of arms of an unidentified Roman Catholic Cardinal. The base of the monstrance has a hallmarked solid-silver plaque with the following inscription in French:

"The oak from which this cross is made is contemporary with the birth of Christianity, it was found near Sombernon, a few years ago in a Roman aqueduct whose construction dates back to the conquest of Gaul, it owes its black color to its long stay underground. [dated] 1851."

  • ID# 43-RSSR-225
  • Размер 24 1/2 inches (62 cm) tall
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Французский реликварий с частицами от Древа Истинного Животворящего Креста

19th-century French cruciform  reliquary monstrance made of ebony wood decorated with hallmarked solid silver fleur-de-lis finials and housing a theca with particles from the wood from the True Cross of Jesus ChristThe relics are displayed in a  glass-fronted removable theca placed in the center of the reliquary and surrounded by a cruciform micromosaic depicting the Instruments of Passion (Arma Christi). The theca is secured by an undisturbed seal of red Spanish wax with an imprint of a coat of arms of the Order of Friars Minor.

  • ID# 44-RSSR-2
  • Размер 17 1/2 inches (44 cm) high
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

16c Russian Icon of the Resurrection and the Descent into Hell (Anastasis)

A 16th-century icon depicting the Descent Into Hades and Anastasis (the Resurrection). Christ is shown in two scenes – above in the act of Resurrection and below in his descent into Hades, breaking down the doors of Hell, binding Satan and rescuing Adam and Eve. Behind them follow the kings, the prophets, and the righteous of the Old Testament, David and Solomon wearing the crowns, John the Baptist with the scroll in hand. Feast day: Easter Sunday.

  • ID# 68-82-SSI-5
  • Размер 30 x 25.5 cm
  • Возраст около 16 век
  • Происхождение Россия
  • Материалы темпера на грунтованой доске
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

Большой мощевик с мощами от Древа Истинного Креста

A large ca. 18th century cruciform altar reliquary monstrance of gilt wood housing relics from the wood from the True Cross of Jesus ChristThe relics are displayed in a  glass-fronted  cavity located in the center of the monstrance where they are affixed in a cruciform shape to the background of red silk. On the back, under a protective lid, the cavity is secured by a seal of red wax with a perfectly preserved imprint of a coat of arms of an unidentified Roman Catholic Bishop.  Suitable for public veneration.

  • ID# 33-RSSR-15
  • Размер 23 1/2 inches (60 cm) tall
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

Реликварий-монстранций с частицей Истинного Креста Господня

Искусно сделанный монстранций XVIII века в стиле барокко, из позолоченного дерева со скрещенными Орудиями Страстей Христовых, увенчаный прихотливо вырезанныйм балдахином. Реликварий вмещает серебрянную овальную теку с застекленным фронтальным окошком, в которую помещены Реликвии Страстей Христовых: Частицы Истинного Креста Господня. Реликвии расположены в форме креста на подложке из красного шелка и окружены украшениями из сплетенной серебрянной проволки. Этикетка гласит - "От Древа Истинного Креста Господа Нашего Иисуса Христа". С обратной стороны теки - прекрасно сохранившаяся печать красного воска Франческо Гаетано Инконтри (+1781), Архиепископа Флоренции (1741-1781).

  • ID# 122-LCD-12
  • Размер монстанций: 42 см х 17 см
  • Возраст ок.1750-1775 годов
  • Материалы монстранций - позолоченное дерево, тека - серебро
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross
1809 Vatican documented reliquary with relic of the True Cross, the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, St. Anne & St. Joachim

Документированный Мощевик с частицей Истинного Креста, реликвией от Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы, мощами Св. Иоакима и Св. Анны

An oval double-crystal silver pendant reliquary theca housing relics from the Wood of the True Cross and the Holy Family: from the Veil of the Blessed Virgin Mary, her husband Saint Joseph, and her parents - Saint Anne and Saint Joachim. A relic of the True Cross is affixed to the center of the red silk background arranged in a cruciform shape surrounded on four sidesby other relics separated by gilt paperolle and silver wire ornamentation and identified in Latin on manuscript cedulae labels as Ex Velo B.M.V. // S. Joseph Sp. // S. Joachim P.V.M. // S. Annae M.V.M.(from the Veil of the Blessed Virgin Mary // S. Joseph Spouse // S. Joachim Father of the Virgin Mary // S. Anne Mother of the Virgin Mary)On the back, the theca is secured by a seal of red wax with a clear imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Giuseppe Bartolomeo Menocchio, O.E.S.A. (†1823), Titular Bishop of Porphyreon (1800–1823) and Sacristan of His Holiness Pope Pius VIIThe reliquary is accompanied by a matching authentics document issued and signed by Bishop Menocchio in 1809. 

  • ID# 314-RSCR-8
  • Размер 38 x 34 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена ПРОДАНО!
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Распятие Иисуса Христа со Снятием с креста и Положением во гроб

The icon depicts the the crucified Christ flanked on the left by St.Martha, St. Paul and on the right with St. Mary and St. Anastasia. The vignettes with scenes of the Descent from the Cross and the Burial of Christ are depicted in the upper corners. 

  • ID# 135-089-107-SP2
  • Размер 17 1/3 x 14 1/4 inches (44 x 36 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $3,200
  • Orthodox Cross

Большая икона - Воскресение Христа и 12 святых

The feast of the Resurrection of Jesus, called Pascha (Easter), is the greatest of the feasts of the Eastern Orthodox Church. In addition, there are other Twelve Great Feasts. Christ is shown rising from the grave accompanied by two angels. He is surrounded by twelve saints shown full-figured in six pairs. 

  • ID# 54-020-125-SP2
  • Размер 20 3/4 x 15 1/3 inches (53 x 39 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $3,000
  • Orthodox Cross

Храмовая икона - Святой Убрус

The Holy Mandylion icon represents the first not made by human hands image of the Savior miraculously created by Christ himself. According to the Christian tradition, King Abgar of Edessa wrote to Jesus, asking him to come to cure him of an illness. Instead, one of the seventy disciples, Thaddeus, is said to have come to Edessa, bearing the words and an image of Jesus, by the virtues of which the king was miraculously healed. To create his likeness, Jesus used a face cloth that miraculously bore the image of His face. This image of Christ preserved on the face cloth was kept and venerated in Edessa and became known as “The Holy Image of Edessa”, the “Holy Mandylion” (from Greek “face cloth”), or “The Image Not Made With Human Hands.” This iconographic type is widely used by both the Eastern and the Western Christian Churches. 

  • ID# 77-087-108-SP2
  • Размер 19 ½ x 15 1/3 inches (50 x 39 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $3,000
  • Orthodox Cross

Документированный Мощевик с мощами Святого Иосифа Обручника

Oval glass-fronted silvered brass pendant reliquary theca housing ex Pallio (of a coat) relic of Saint Joseph, Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The relic is affixed to a multicolor silk ground surrounded by silver wire and gilt paperolle ornamentation and identified in Latin on a manuscript cedula label as Ex Pal: S. Jos.  (of a coat of Saint Joseph).  On the back, under a protective cap, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Tiburzio Cortese (†), Bishop of Modena, Italy (1786-1823). The relic is accompanied by the original matching authentics document issued and sealed by the order of Bishop Cortese in 1807.

  • ID# 281-34-RSCR-225
  • Размер 27 x 25 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $2,975
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Фарфоровое пасхальное яйцо Иисус Христос

Medium Russian Imperial porcelain Easter Egg with hand-painted image of Blessing Christ on the front and a traditional Russian Easter greeting "Christ is Risen!" on the back on the gold ground. Minor cosmetic scratches, otherwise very good original condition. 

  • ID# 06-RSSP1A
  • Размер 3 1/2 inches (9.5 cm) tall
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $2,750
  • Orthodox Cross

Редкая документированная реликвия Страстей - Святого Копья Лонгина

Incredibly rare touch relic made from the silver object that touched the most powerful and mysterious Passion relic - The Holy Spear of Jesus also known as the True LanceThe reliquary is affixed to the original  authentics document dated 1757 and issued and hand-signed by Fr. Nicola Manciforte (†1762), Bishop of Ancona. 

The document written in Latin translates as:

"...that this silver tip of a Lance, tied to this [letter] with a ribbon of red color, and secured with a small Seal of ours impressed in Spanish Wax, touched the Very Sacred Point of the Lance with which the Side of the Savior was pierced while he was hanging on the Cross; that it exists amongst the rest of the quite famous Relics, by the possession of which our Church was distinguished as the Cathedral of St. Cyriacus; and that it rouses and fosters the piety of the Faithful wondrously well, and draws them to itself...."

The Holy Spear is also known as the Holy Lance is the name of the very spear that had pierced Christ’s side when he hanged on the cross. The first person to refer to this as the Holy Spear was pilgrim Antoninus of Piacenza in 570 AD. While describing the holy places of Jerusalem, he said that in the Basilica of Mount Zion, there was the crown of thorns which Our Lord was crowned and the spear which was used to strike Him in the side. It was rediscovered by the European army of the First Crusade in the city of Antioch on June 15th, 1098, but eventually ended up in the treasury of Constantinople. It is documented that the holy relic of the True Lance passed through Ancona (an Italian city on the Adriatic side of the Peninsula), in 1492 on its way from Bayezid II the Turkish Sultan (whose father obtained it in 1451 during the conquest of Constantinople) to Pope Innocent VIII by the hand of Pierre d'Abusson, Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes. The Pope placed it in the Treasury of the old St. Peter's Basilica in Rome with the volto santo, where it is held in great veneration. It is now in one of the great piers of the present St. Peter's Cathedral and in front of it, over the image of Longinus is inscribed "The Spear of Longinus, which Innocent VIII, the Chief Pointif received from Bayezid Sultan of the Turks; Urban VIII transferred it to a decorated shrine rasing an image and erecting the shrine beneath." (see for more information: Relics from the Crucifixion: Where They Went and How They Got There. By J. Charles Wall.)

Since there are no records of the Cathedral of Ancona retaining a part of the True Lance when it was passing through the town on its way to Rome, it is believed that the offered relic was obtained by melting a larger silver object that touched the tip of the True Lance in 1492. A number of analogous documented reliquaries are known, but their number is extremely small and they are in very high demand because of the impossibility of making new touch relics from the True Lance held in the Vatican after it was transferred to the pier of St. Peter's basilica in the 17th century.

  • ID# 186-RSCR-8
  • Размер 25 x 8 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Крещение Господне (Теофания)

For Eastern Christians, the Holy Feast of Baptism is more important than that of Nativity because it is the great Theophany, a manifestation of Christ's divinity. The iconography of the Baptism is simple and ancient, adhering closely to the Gospels. Christ is depicted at the moment of abasing himself by stepping into the river to be baptized when a voice from the heavens reveals him to be the Son of God. The rocky landscape of the Jordan Valley opens up into a whirlpool. John the Baptist leans over Christ, who dominates the waters and blesses him. With his baptism, Christ is renewed in his own person the primordial image of man had lost through sin.

  • ID# 195-003-017-SP2
  • Размер 17 x 13 3/4 inches (43 x 35 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $2,750
  • Orthodox Cross

Реликвия от Святого Гвоздя из базилики Святого Креста в Иерусалиме

A 19th-century facsimile third-class touch relic of the Holy Nail of Jesus Christ. The relic is certified by a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of the Monastery of the Holy Cross of Jerusalem in Rome

  • ID# 46-RSCR124-25
  • Размер 5 inches (12.5 cm) long
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $2,750
  • Orthodox Cross

Russian Icon - 2 Saints: St. Anfimus, Bishop & Martyr and St. Feoktist Monk

Russian icon showing two Orthodox saints St. Anfimus, Bishop & St. Feoktist Monk depicted full-figured under a dove of the Holy Spirit on a gilt and intricately chased background. Dedication on the back in Russian dated 1914 to Abbess Sofia to commemorate 25th anniversary in position at the Orthodox convent. Significant because of inscription. 

  • ID# 01-23-243-SP6-135
  • Размер 14 x 12 in (36 x 31 cm)
  • Возраст ca. 1914
  • Материалы Egg tempera on gilt wood
  • Цена Цена по запросу
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Спас Вседержитель

Christ Pantocrator refers to a specific depiction of Christ. The most common translation of Pantocrator is "Almighty" or "All-powerful". In this understanding, Pantocrator is a compound word formed from the Greek words for "all" and the noun "strength" (κρατος). This is often understood in terms of potential power; i.e., the ability to do anything, omnipotence. The iconic image of Christ Pantocrator was one of the first images of Christ developed in the Early Christian Church and remains a central icon of the Eastern Orthodox Church. In the half-length image, Christ holds the Gospels in his left hand and makes the gesture of blessing with his right.

  • ID# 320-HGI-47
  • Размер 30 x 26 cm
  • Возраст около конец 19го века
  • Происхождение Москва
  • Материалы темпера на грунтованной доске
  • Цена $2,350
  • Orthodox Cross

Мощевик с мощами Св. Иоакима, отца Пресвятой Богородицы

Oval glass-fronted silver pendant reliquary theca housing the first-class ex ossibus (of the bone) relic of St. Joachim of Nazareth.  A sizable relic is affixed to a gilt-paper starburst on a ground of salmon-colored silk, surrounded by silver wire ornamentation and identified in Latin on a fancy manuscript cedula label as Ex Oss. S. Joachim, Pat. B.M.V.  (of the bone of  St. Joachim Father of the Blessed Virgin Mary). On the back, the theca is secured with a seal of red Spanish wax bearing an imprint of a coat of arms of Fr. Francesco Maria Ginori (†1775), Bishop of Fiesole, Italy (1736–1775).

  • ID# 90-RSCR124-7
  • Размер 36 x 29 mm
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $1,275
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Успение Пр. Богородицы, Чудо Св Георгия о Змие и семь святых

The icon is depicting seven selected Orthodox Saints: St. Andrew the Apostle, St. Qeen Helena, St. Nicholas of Myra, St. Maria, St. Stephen the Protomartyr, St. John the Theologian and St. Paraskevi the Friday surmounted by vignette images depicting the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God and Miracle of St George Slaying the Dragon

  • ID# 166-027-069-SP7-7
  • Размер 35 x 30 cm
  • Возраст около 1890
  • Материалы около 1890
  • Цена $1,200
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Спас Вседержитель

Christ Pantocrator refers to a specific depiction of Christ. The most common translation of Pantocrator is "Almighty" or "All-powerful". In this understanding, Pantocrator is a compound word formed from the Greek words for "all" and the noun "strength" (κρατος). This is often understood in terms of potential power; i.e., ability to do anything, omnipotence. The iconic image of Christ Pantocrator was one of the first images of Christ developed in the Early Christian Church and remains a central icon of the Eastern Orthodox Church. In the half-length image, Christ holds the Gospels in his left hand and makes the gesture of blessing with his right. The Gospels are opened on Matthew 11:28 “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

St. Gregory the Great is depicted on the right border. 


  • ID# 47-1009-008-003-SP1
  • Размер 12 1/4 x 10 1/2 in (31 x 27 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $1,200
  • Orthodox Cross

Большое фарфоровое пасхальное яйцо

Large Russian Imperial porcelain Easter Egg with hand-painted wild flowers and a traditional writing in Russian "Christ is Risen!" Light scratches on the surface, otherwise very good original condition. 

  • ID# 01-RSSP1A
  • Размер 4 3/4 inches (12 cm) tall
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $1,200
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Спас Вседержитель

Christ Pantocrator refers to a specific depiction of Christ. The most common translation of Pantocrator is "Almighty" or "All-powerful". In this understanding, Pantocrator is a compound word formed from the Greek words for "all" and the noun "strength" (κρατος). This is often understood in terms of potential power, i.e., the ability to do anything, omnipotence. The iconic image of Christ Pantocrator was one of the first images of Christ developed in the Early Christian Church and remains a central icon of the Eastern Orthodox Church. In the half-length image, Christ holds the Gospels in his left hand and makes the blessing gesture with his right. The Gospels are opened on Matthew 11:28 “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” 

The border saints are the Virgin Mary and St. John the Baptist forming the Orthodox Deisis. 

  • ID# 199-1009-028-140-SP1
  • Размер 12 1/4 x 10 inches (31 x 25 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $1,200
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Деисус, чудотворные Богородицы и избранные святые

The icon depicts the following eight miracle-working Madonnas surrounding the Orthodox Deisis: Our Lady of Kazan, Our Lady of the Unexpected Joy, Sooth My Sorrow Mother of God,  Soothing of the Evil Hearts Mother of God, Theodorovsky Mother of God, Our Lady of Częstochowa, Our Lady of Tikhvin, Our Lady of Akhtyrsk. A row of full-figured local saints is depicted below them.

  • ID# 400-046-018-SP2
  • Размер 13 3/4 x 12 1/2 inches (35 x 31 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $1,200
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Смоленская Богоматерь, Св. Николай и 4 святых

The 4-part icon is painted on gold and tooled ground depicting Our Lady of Smolensk, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra, and four Selected Saints in the lower registers: St. Prince Alexander Nevsky, St. Dmitrius of Thessaloniki, St. Panteleimon the Unmercenary Healer, and St. Princess Olga.

  • ID# 782-015-142-SP2
  • Размер 12 1/4 x 10 1/2 inches (31 x 27 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $1,200
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Св. Иоанн Предтеча

Saint John the Baptist was a Jewish itinerant preacher in the early first century AD who is revered as a significant religious figure in Christianity, Islam, and other faiths. He is called a prophet by all of these traditions and is honored as a saint in many Christian traditions. The Orthodox faithful believe that John was the last of the Old Testament prophets, thus serving as a bridge between that period of revelation and the New Covenant. They also teach that, following his death, John descended into Hades and there once more preached that Jesus the Messiah was coming, so he was the Forerunner of Christ in death as he had been in life. Eastern Orthodox churches will often have an icon of St. John the Baptist in a place of honor on the iconostasis, frequently mentioned during the Divine Services. Every Tuesday throughout the year is dedicated to his memory.

  • ID# 121-029-095-SP2
  • Размер 17 3/4 x 14 1/4 inches (45 x 36 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $1,175
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Спас Вседержитель

Christ Pantocrator refers to a specific depiction of Christ. The most common translation of Pantocrator is "Almighty" or "All-powerful". In this understanding, Pantocrator is a compound word formed from the Greek words for "all" and the noun "strength" (κρατος). This is often understood in terms of potential power; i.e., ability to do anything, omnipotence. The iconic image of Christ Pantocrator was one of the first images of Christ developed in the Early Christian Church and remains a central icon of the Eastern Orthodox Church. In the half-length image, Christ holds the Gospels in his left hand and makes the gesture of blessing with his right.

The Gospels are opened on Matthew 11:28 “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

  • ID# 117-104-090-SP7-2
  • Размер 46 x 37 cm
  • Возраст около 1890
  • Материалы около 1890
  • Цена $1000
  • Orthodox Cross

Большое фарфоровое пасхальное яйцо

Large Russian Imperial porcelain Easter Egg with hand-painted wild irises and flowers and the abreviation XB for traditional Russian Easter greeting "Christ is Risen!". Very good original condition. 

  • ID# 03-RSSP1A
  • Размер 4 3/4 inches (12 cm) tall
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $1,000
  • Orthodox Cross

Большое фарфоровое пасхальное яйцо

Large Russian Imperial porcelain Easter Egg with hand-painted wild roses and flowers. Very good original condition. 

  • ID# 02-RSSP1A
  • Размер 4 3/4 inches (12 cm) tall
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $975
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Распятие, Спас, Св. Михаил, Св. Пантелеймон и Св. Параскева Пятница

The icon depicts the crucified Christ flanked by mourners and surmounted by God the Father, framing the icon in four parts. They depict Christ Pantocrator, St. Michael the Archangel and Chief Commander of the Heavenly Host, St. unmercenary healer Pantaleon (Panteleimon), and St. Paraskeve of Iconium (Friday). 

  • ID# 500-012-372-SP2
  • Размер 13 3/4 x 11 3/4 inches (35 x 30 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $975
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Крещение Господне

The icon depicts the Baptism of Jesus Christ. For the Eastern Christians, the feast of Baptism is more important than that of Nativity, in that it is a Theophany, a great manifestation of Christ's divinity. The iconography of the Baptism is simple and ancient, adhering closely to the Gospels. Christ is depicted at the moment of abasing himself by stepping into the river to be baptized when a voice from the heavens revealing him to be the Son of God. The rocky landscape of the Jordan valley opens up into a whirlpool. John the Baptist leans over Christ, who dominates the waters and blesses him. Three angels symbolizing the Holy Trinity with hands veiled as a sign of respect are ready to receive the naked body of Christ as if it were the Eucharist. Over Christ, the dove of the Holy Spirit sheds the divine light and God the Father from heaven announces "Thou art my beloved Son, with thee I am well pleased." With his baptism, Christ is renewed in his own person the primordial image of man had lost through sin.
  • ID# 338-078-071-SP1
  • Размер 12 1/4 x 9 3/4 inches (31 x 25 cm)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $925
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Воскресение Христово и Православные Праздники

The icon depicts the greatest of the Eastern Orthodox Church's feasts  - the Resurrection of Jesus, called Pascha (Easter),  surrounded by Twelve Principal Orthodox Feasts: 1. Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God 2. the Presentation of the Theotokos 3. the Annunciation, 4. the Nativity of Christ 5. the Baptism of Christ - also called Theophany or Epiphany,  6. the Transfiguration, 7. the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God, 8. The Old Testament Trinity, 9. the Ascension of Christ, 10. the Exaltation of the Cross, 11. the Entry into Jerusalem,  and 12. the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple.


  • ID# 256-106-030-SP7-15
  • Размер 35 x 29 cm
  • Возраст около 19 век
  • Происхождение Россия
  • Материалы темпера на грунтованной доске
  • Цена $900
  • Orthodox Cross

Фарфоровое пасхальное яйцо "Христос воскрес!"

Medium Russian Imperial porcelain Easter Egg with hand-painted wild flowers and traditional Russian "Christ is Risen!". Very good original condition. 

  • ID# 04-RSSP1A
  • Размер 3 1/2 inches (9.5 cm) tall
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $900
  • Orthodox Cross

Фарфоровое пасхальное яйцо

Medium Russian Imperial porcelain Easter Egg with hand-painted wild flowers. Very good original condition. 

  • ID# 05-RSSP1A
  • Размер 3 1/2 inches (9.5 cm) tall
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $900
  • Orthodox Cross

Russian 4-Panel Folding Skladen Travel Icon of The Twelve Principal Feasts and Miracle-working Madonnas

Metal icon of four-folding panels depicting “Twelve Principal Orthodox Feasts and Miracle-working Madonnas.”

  • ID# 03-DDPbA-22
  • Размер 16 cm x 36 cm (6 1/4 in x 14 1/2 in)
  • Возраст ca. 19th century Moscow Region
  • Материалы brass and 3-color enamel
  • Цена $850

Russian Icon - Christ Pantocrator

The icon depicts realistically rendered Christ as Pantocrator ( "Almighty" or "All-powerful") - pictured half-figured blessing with his right hand while holding an Orb and a Cross in his left hand

  • ID# 189-052-075-SP6-1
  • Размер 12 1/2 x 10 1/2 in (32 x 27 cm)
  • Возраст ca. 1900
  • Материалы Oil on gessoed wood
  • Цена $850
  • Orthodox Cross

Russian icon - The New Testament Trinity

The unusual iconography depicting a child led to Heaven by two angels with the New Testament Trinity in the upper part of the icon. 

  • ID# 13-51-71-SP6-90
  • Размер 11 1/2 x 9 3/4 in (29 x 25 cm)
  • Возраст ca. 1910s
  • Материалы Oil on gessoed wood
  • Цена $800
  • Orthodox Cross

Russian Icon - St. Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra

Saint Nicholas of Myra  (†343), was a historic 4th-century Saint and Greek Bishop of Myra. Because of the many miracles attributed to his intercession, he is also known as Nicholas the Wonderworker . He had a reputation for secret gift-giving, such as putting coins in the shoes of those who left them out for him, and thus became the model for Santa Claus. His reputation evolved among the faithful, as was common for early Christian saints. Saint Nicholas is the patron Saint of sailors, merchants, archers, thieves, children, and students in Greece, Belgium, France, Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Albania, Russia, the Republic of Macedonia, Slovakia, Serbia, and Montenegro. He is also the patron saint of Aberdeen, Amsterdam, Barranquilla, Bari, Beit Jala, Fribourg, Huguenots, Kozani, Liverpool, Paternopoli, Sassari, Siggiewi, and Lorraine. His feast day is 6 December.

  • ID# 145-046-099-SP6-85
  • Размер 22 x 17 cm
  • Возраст ок. 1900
  • Материалы Темпера на позолоченном дереве
  • Цена $750
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Пресвятая Богородица

  • ID# 46-103-016-SP7-1
  • Размер 39 x 31 cm
  • Возраст около 1900
  • Материалы около 1900
  • Цена $750
  • Orthodox Cross

Russian icon - The Resurrection of Christ

The icon depicts of the Resurrection of Christ. 

  • ID# 186-047-016-SP6-8
  • Размер 10 1/4 x 8 3/4 in (26 x 21)
  • Возраст ca. 1890s
  • Материалы Egg tempera on gessoed wood
  • Цена $700
  • Orthodox Cross

Антикварная икона - Святитель Николай Чудотворец Мир Ликийских

Saint Nicholas of Myra  (†343), was a historic 4th-century Saint and Greek Bishop of Myra. Because of the many miracles attributed to his intercession, he is also known as Nicholas the Wonderworker. He had a reputation for secret gift-giving, such as putting coins in the shoes of those who left them out for him, and thus became the model for Santa Claus. His reputation evolved among the faithful, as was common for early Christian saints. Saint Nicholas is the patron Saint of sailors, merchants, archers, thieves, children, and students in Greece, Belgium, France, Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Albania, Russia, the Republic of Macedonia, Slovakia, Serbia, and Montenegro. He is also the patron saint of Aberdeen, Amsterdam, Barranquilla, Bari, Beit Jala, Fribourg, Huguenots, Kozani, Liverpool, Paternopoli, Sassari, Siggiewi, and Lorraine. His feast day is 6 December.

  • ID# 174-027-052-SP6-8
  • Размер 22 x 17cm
  • Возраст ок. 1900
  • Материалы Темпера на посеребренном и грунтованном дереве
  • Цена $700
  • Orthodox Cross

Russian Icon - The Descent of Christ into the Hades

Christ is shown in his Descent into Hades, breaking down the doors of Hell, binding Satan and rescuing Adam and Eve. Behind them follow the kings, the prophets, and the righteous of the Old Testament,  Feast day: Easter Sunday.

  • ID# 196-076-032-SP6-75
  • Размер 14 1/4 x 11 in (36 x 28 cm)
  • Возраст ca. 1900
  • Происхождение Icon painting village of Kholui
  • Материалы Egg tempera on gessoed wood
  • Цена $675
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Спас Вседержитель в окладе и киоте

Christ Pantocrator refers to a specific depiction of Christ. The most common translation of Pantocrator is "Almighty" or "All-powerful". In this understanding, Pantocrator is a compound word formed from the Greek words for "all" and the noun "strength" (κρατος). This is often understood in terms of potential power; i.e., ability to do anything, omnipotence. The iconic image of Christ Pantocrator was one of the first images of Christ developed in the Early Christian Church and remains a central icon of the Eastern Orthodox Church. In the half-length image, Christ holds the Gospels in his left hand and makes the gesture of blessing with his right.

  • ID# 05-047-088-SP7-1
  • Размер 29 x 21 cm
  • Возраст около 1900
  • Материалы около 1900
  • Цена $625
  • Orthodox Cross

Плакетка финифть с изображением Воскресения Господня

Oval hand-painted finift porcelain plaque in gilt brass frame depicting the Resurrection of Christ. Some hairline cracks and vintage repairs on porcelain. 

  • ID# 09-RSAF
  • Размер 13 x 10 cm
  • Возраст около 1880
  • Происхождение Ростов
  • Материалы фарфор, латунь, золочение
  • Цена $575
  • Orthodox Cross

Икона - Святой Марк, Евангелист

Half-lenght portrait of St. Mark the Evangelist from the Royal doors of the Iconostasis.

  • ID# 52-106-068-SP7-1
  • Размер 22 cm поперек
  • Возраст около 1880
  • Материалы около 1880
  • Цена $525
  • Silver
  • Orthodox Cross

Фарфоровое пасхальное яйцо Воскресение Христа

Small Russian Imperial porcelain Easter Egg with hand-painted image of Risen Christ. Very good original condition. 

  • ID# 07-RSSP1A
  • Размер 2 1/2 inches (6 cm) tall
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $425
  • Orthodox Cross

Фарфоровое пасхальное яйцо

Medium Russian Imperial porcelain Easter Egg with hand-painted wild flowers and an abbreviation XB for a traditional Orthodox Easter greeting "Christ is Risen!". Very good original condition. 

  • ID# 10-RSSP1A
  • Размер 2 3/4 inches (7 cm) tall
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $375
  • Orthodox Cross

Малая меднолитая иконка - Схождение во Ад

Small brass-cast travel icon depicting the Descent of Christ Into Hades. Christ is shown breaking down the doors of Hell rescuing Adam and Eve. Behind them follow the kings, the prophets, and the righteous of the Old Testament. Feast day: Easter Sunday. Decorated with 2-color enamel. 

  • ID# 66-L60MA2-25
  • Размер 5 cm x 6 cm (2 in x 2 1/3 in)
  • Возраст около
  • Происхождение около
  • Материалы около
  • Цена $145
  • Orthodox Cross

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